Women’s influence across Web3 and tech positions

Explore the influential role of women in Web3 and technology, from leadership positions to pioneering innovations.

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Amid the ongoing celebrations of International Women’s Day 2024, the theme “Invest in women: Accelerate progress” resonates powerfully within the Web3 and tech industries. Despite modest advancements, the persistent lack of gender diversity remains a significant challenge, with women often confined to non-technical roles. 

Rooted in historical imbalances, this disparity hampers innovation and inclusivity. Nonetheless, women significantly impact Web3, playing vital roles in advocacy, research and community development. Embracing this year’s theme, investing in women is expected to drive innovation and promote inclusivity for all in various sectors, advancing equity and prosperity for all.

Despite signs of progress in the crypto space and increasing inclusivity across the Web3 and tech industries, one glaring issue persists: the persistent lack of gender diversity. Despite industries’ best efforts, the numbers paint a stark picture.

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