Worldcoin Faces Scrutiny Over Biometric Data Collection Practices as European Regulators Investigate

European regulators are closely examining Worldcoin, the brainchild of ChatGPT founder Sam Altman, due to concerns surrounding its biometric data collection tactics. The French privacy authority, CNIL, has expressed worries about the legality and handling of sensitive information. Meanwhile, the British data regulator has also launched inquiries into the project. Despite boasting rapid adoption and initial success, Worldcoin faces criticism from prominent figures in the cryptocurrency space, including Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin. 

Worldcoin’s rapid adoption and unique approach

Since its launch on June 24, Worldcoin has attracted significant attention, enrolling 2.1 million individuals during a two-year trial period. The project requires users to provide iris scans in exchange for a digital ID and, in certain regions, free cryptocurrency. This process involves scanning participants’ faces using spherical orbs available at various locations worldwide, forming part of its global identity initiative that aims to establish “proof of personhood” for users.

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The Worldcoin Foundation’s privacy claims

The Worldcoin Foundation, based in the Cayman Islands, claims to prioritize individual privacy and adheres to regulatory requirements through its robust privacy program. However, European regulators, particularly CNIL and the Bavarian state authority in Germany remain unconvinced by the data collection methods employed by Worldcoin.

European regulators raise concerns

The French privacy authority, CNIL, has expressed doubts about the legality of Worldcoin’s biometric data collection tactics, raising concerns about the gathering and storing of sensitive biometric data. Similarly, the British Information Commissioner’s Office has initiated an investigation, requiring a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) regarding the project’s data collection practices. The collaboration between CNIL and the German authority further underscores the seriousness of the concerns surrounding Worldcoin.

Worldcoin’s unique approach involves the use of orbs to scan individuals’ eyes and gather biometric iris data. While the project boasts rapid user adoption rates, concerns regarding data privacy and security continue to linger. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin is among the prominent figures in the cryptocurrency space who have criticized the potential accidental exposure of sensitive personal information through iris scans.

Worldcoin’s response and compliance commitment

In response to the privacy concerns raised by regulators and the crypto community, Worldcoin has emphasized its commitment to complying with data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK Data Protection Act. Despite these assurances, doubts persist regarding Worldcoin’s ability to address privacy issues adequately.

Worldcoin’s popularity and surge in network activity have not been without challenges. The slow adoption rate in certain regions and the prevailing privacy concerns have cast uncertainty on the project’s future success. Nevertheless, Worldcoin remains determined to expand its presence in crypto-friendly jurisdictions and increase the deployment of retinal scanning devices.


Worldcoin, the brainchild of Sam Altman, is currently under the lens of European regulators due to concerns over its biometric data collection tactics. While the project has seen rapid adoption and initial success, criticisms from prominent figures in the cryptocurrency space and ongoing privacy concerns have raised doubts about its future prospects. Worldcoin’s commitment to compliance and efforts to address privacy issues will be crucial in gaining widespread acceptance and overcoming regulatory scrutiny.

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