Controversial Parrot Protocol Proposal Sparks Outcry as Investors Face -89% Returns

In a move that has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency community, the Parrot Protocol, a Solana-based liquidity network, has submitted a proposal that could have devastating consequences for its investors. The proposal calls for the redemption of its native PRT tokens for liquid treasury value and the transition to a no-token protocol. This decision has not been well-received by the community, with many investors expressing concerns about the significant losses they may face, as reflected in the current return on investment (ROI) of -89%.

Background and Proposal Details

Parrot Protocol, founded in 2021, gained significant attention and raised over $89 million through its Initial DEX Offering (IDO) and initial exchange offering (IEO). However, investor sentiment has soured as the current ROI indicates that they have experienced substantial losses on their investments. The negative ROI raises questions about the project’s performance and the factors that contributed to the devaluation of PRT tokens.

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The proposal, which is open for voting until July 27, does not provide a comprehensive explanation for the move but mentions that “many PRT holders would like to redeem their PRT tokens for their treasury value.” This statement has left many investors puzzled and frustrated, as they seek clarity on the reasoning behind such a drastic measure.

Token Distribution and Team Control

One of the primary concerns raised by the community is the concentration of token ownership within the Parrot Protocol team. According to data from CryptoRank, approximately 81% of tokens are controlled by the team. While the team has refuted these claims on Twitter, stating that treasury tokens are never used for governance purposes, community members remain skeptical.

The breakdown of token distribution provided by CryptoRank indicates that 35% of tokens were distributed as Protocol Incentives, 20% as Team & Angels, 10% as public sales, 20% as Seed rounds, and 15% as Others. This distribution model has raised eyebrows, with some members of the community suggesting that it favors insiders over ordinary investors.

The controversial proposal comes in the wake of changes made to Parrot Protocol’s tokenomics in November 2022. During this time, the protocol significantly shortened its token locking period from 12 months to just 7 days, citing increased flexibility for stakeholders to enter or exit their positions. However, this move has left investors feeling vulnerable and questioning the team’s commitment to long-term value creation.

Unclaimed Funds and Insider Concerns

A significant point of contention within the community revolves around the fate of unclaimed funds after the proposed 8-week redemption period. Investors fear that insiders may have the opportunity to cash out these funds, further exacerbating their losses. Transparency and accountability in handling the project’s treasury are essential to maintain trust and confidence among the community members.

The proposal has been met with resounding opposition from the Parrot Protocol community. Many investors feel that the redemption price of $0.0045 per token is grossly undervalued and fails to account for the team’s alleged misuse of the treasury without community consent. The premature unlocking of team and venture capital (VC) tokens has also sparked outrage, as it places the majority of token ownership in the hands of insiders, potentially undermining the voting process.


The Parrot Protocol’s proposal to go tokenless has caused a stir among its investors and the wider cryptocurrency community. With an ROI of -89%, many investors are facing significant losses, and the lack of clear reasoning behind the proposal has left them feeling uncertain about the future of their investments. The concentration of token ownership within the team and concerns about transparency have further fueled the controversy. As the voting period continues, it remains to be seen how the situation will unfold and what implications this move will have on the future of the Parrot Protocol and its community.

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