Discover The Secret Of Making Your Money Work For You With Ethereum, Solana & Caged Beasts

Are you satisfied with your current income? Do you wish there were alternative ways to earn money or someone who could do it for you? Leave your worries behind. In this article, we will reveal how you can make your money work for you by leveraging the power of the top cryptocurrencies: Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), and Caged Beasts (BEASTS).

Earn Passive Income With Ethereum

If you are familiar with cryptocurrencies, you must have come across the highly lucrative name – Ethereum! It is the second most successful blockchain platform after Bitcoin (BTC). Despite the emergence of other blockchain platforms, Ethereum remains at the forefront of the industry due to its conducive ecosystem for smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).

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Within the Ethereum network, the native token called Ether (ETH) empowers users to perform various functions, including transactions, staking, trading, storing, and gaming. Now, let’s explore how you can generate passive income with the ETH token.

Ethereum staking is the most popular method for earning passive income. By choosing a reputable platform, you can earn significant rewards in return. For example, Coinbase currently estimates a reward rate of 6% for Ethereum. This means holding your ETH tokens for 365 days will earn you an additional 6% in ETH tokens.

Holding and trading are other popular ways to generate passive income. This involves capitalizing on market volatility using ETH tokens. You can also utilize automated trading bots specifically designed for 24/7 cryptocurrency trading, which can help reduce the risk of losses.

Another way to profit with ETH tokens is by lending them and earning interest on your investment.

Make Solana Work For You

As the 9th largest and most successful cryptocurrency, Solana has garnered attention for its lower transaction fees and faster transaction times. With a substantial user base, it presents an appealing investment opportunity.

Being a proof-of-stake digital currency, Solana relies on staking for transaction validation. This means that the more SOL you stake, the greater the rewards you can earn.

However, staking Solana carries a potential risk if your node behaves maliciously, jeopardizing your holdings. Nevertheless, staking your SOL tokens on reputable platforms like Coinbase, Lido Finance, and Phantom can help ensure the safety of your holdings. In addition to providing security, these platforms offer staking yields ranging from 4% to 5.5% for SOL tokens.

Does Caged Beasts Provide More Passive Income Than SOL & ETH?  

When discussing passive income opportunities, it’s impossible to overlook Caged Beasts. This new entrant provides a highly lucrative referral program that even established currencies cannot match.

Caged Beasts is a meme coin that is soon to launch its presale. The token is based on a theme centred around an animal lab, where other Caged Beasts are injected with mutagens to create monstrous creatures. This storyline symbolises the growing potential of Caged Beasts and its aim to surpass the traditional financial system.

To succeed in a war, you need an army, right? That’s why the Caged Beasts team is developing engaging competitions, exciting events, and enticing offers to involve the community.

Additionally, Caged Beasts offers a referral program to expand its community. Caged Beasts holders can generate their own referral codes and invite their acquaintances to join. As a reward, users will receive 20% of the referral’s investment. Moreover, the referrals themselves can earn an extra 20% in tokens by utilizing the referral codes. This unique win-win program sets Caged Beasts apart.


The world of cryptocurrency offers abundant opportunities to earn passive income. Solana provides a staking yield of over 4%, while Ethereum offers a yield of over 6%. On the other hand, Caged Beasts, as a new contender, offers a referral program with a remarkable 20% profit, surpassing what even established cryptocurrencies can offer.  

Find out more about Caged Beasts (BEASTS):




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