Helium Web3 Updates: Ensuring an Interconnected Future

The Helium Network stands as a transformative force in the realm of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, a beacon of innovation and connectivity. In a world increasingly reliant on seamless data exchange, Helium Web3 updates reverberate across industries, from smart cities to logistics. With a focus on robustness, decentralization, and efficiency, the network continually evolves to meet the demands of an interconnected future.

In this dynamic landscape, the Helium Network has undergone a series of updates and enhancements that solidify its position at the forefront of IoT connectivity. These updates span from the rollout of Helium 5G to the introduction of new tokens like the IOT Network Token, Mobile Network Token, and Data Credit Token. This guide explores the latest developments, presenting them with a clear lens and a resolute commitment to unveiling the network’s progress.

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Exploring Helium Web3 updates

The anticipation ends as the sequel to the iconic “What’s Helium? Glad You Asked” video makes its entrance. With its inception, the stage is set to explore the groundbreaking world of Helium 5G. This eagerly awaited sequel is more than just a continuation; it’s a gateway to a new era of connectivity.

Helium 5G has emerged as a game-changer, transforming the Helium Network into a force that bridges the gap between innovation and everyday life. This installment of the video series encapsulates the significance of Helium 5G, outlining its pivotal role in shaping the network’s landscape. As the world edges towards the realm of ultra-fast, low-latency connectivity, Helium 5G takes center stage, propelling the network’s capabilities to new heights.

This video encapsulates more than just information – it’s an embodiment of the network’s evolution. As we unravel the mysteries of Helium 5G, we dive into an exploration that promises to reshape how we perceive, interact with, and harness the power of IoT technology. 

MOBILE Proof-of-Coverage Evolution

The MOBILE Proof-of-Coverage (PoC) algorithm is at the heart of the Helium Network’s growth, driving its expansion with a focus on useful and efficient network coverage. PoC is not just a feature; it’s a dynamic mechanism that fuels the network’s vitality by incentivizing participants to contribute meaningfully.

To ensure that rewards truly reflect the value added to the network, we’re introducing updates to the PoC rewards system. As the network evolves, so does the way of participants’ incentivization. The shift is towards recognizing and rewarding coverage that is not just present but also impactful. It’s a step towards refining the network’s efficiency and integrity.

A significant advancement is on the horizon: the integration of speed tests into the MOBILE rewards calculation. This dynamic addition will contribute to a more comprehensive evaluation of hotspot performance, ultimately determining the rewards they deserve. The network takes another stride towards fairness and transparency.

The MOBILE Proof-of-Coverage evolution is not just about rewards; it’s about fostering a network that thrives on meaningful participation and impactful coverage. 

Enhanced Crowdspot Functionality

At the core of maintaining a robust Helium Network lies Crowdspot, an invaluable tool that safeguards the network’s integrity by identifying and addressing malicious Hotspots. This collaborative effort is vital to ensure the network thrives with legitimate participants and accurate coverage.

Recent updates to Crowdspot have transformed its functionality, enhancing its accessibility and efficiency. The interface has been streamlined, offering a user-friendly platform for the community to report atypical Hotspots. With this new and improved submission system, the process of identifying and reporting gaming Hotspots has been simplified, ensuring that every member can play a role in maintaining network health.

Community involvement is pivotal in this process. Members have actively embraced Crowdspot, diving into the network’s data to analyze Hotspot behavior. They recommend Hotspots for inclusion in the Denylist, a crucial step in combating network gaming. With the integration of the Denylist process within Crowdspot, the community now possesses a direct means to report and identify gaming Hotspots, all without the need for a GitHub account.

These updates underscore the commitment to a network built on trust and transparency. By integrating Hotspot submissions directly into Crowdspot, the community can actively contribute to the Denylist. Additional features such as comments, external evidence linking, and suspicious wallet associations enhance the tool’s functionality. The time taken for a gaming Hotspot to be nominated to the Denylist is significantly reduced, thanks to direct analysis and review within Crowdspot.

With these enhancements, Crowdspot becomes a powerful ally against network manipulation. The streamlined interface and inclusive submission system empower the community to take a stand against bad actors, ensuring rewards are rightfully directed to deserving and trustworthy participants. Community vigilance and enhanced tools like Crowdspot are instrumental in building a network that thrives on integrity.

HIP 70 Transition to Solana’s L1

HIP 70 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the Helium Network as it paves the way for a transition to Solana’s Layer 1 blockchain. This transition underlines the commitment to technological advancement and network efficiency.

Since its introduction, the Helium community has embraced HIP 70, endorsing the move towards Solana’s L1. The journey is already underway, with substantial progress made in network architecture. Notably, the successful transfer of the first Class C packet serves as a testament to the transition’s advancements, signifying the network’s readiness for the future.

The community’s role in this transition is invaluable. To keep the spirit of collaboration alive, the community is invited to participate in a series of community Ask-Me-Anything (AMAs). These AMAs provide a platform for open discussions, where insights, queries, and suggestions related to the transition are actively addressed. 

The transition to Solana’s L1 signifies the Helium Network’s dedication to innovation and growth. HIP 70 is not just a technical shift, but a leap towards an enhanced network experience.

Network Growth and Milestones

The Helium Network’s remarkable growth is a testament to its global impact. With 969K+ IoT Hotspots deployed across 184 countries, the network’s reach spans continents and connects diverse communities. This achievement underscores the network’s universality, breaking barriers and transcending borders to create a truly global ecosystem.

Numbers don’t just represent statistics; they tell stories of progress and achievement. The Helium Network boasts an impressive count of 6,500+ activated 5G Radios, ushering in a new era of connectivity. These milestones aren’t just numerical; they symbolize the expansion of possibilities, offering enhanced coverage, improved connectivity, and transformative experiences.

Behind these numbers lies a thriving community that powers the Helium Network’s growth. Enthusiasts, developers, and partners collaborate to deploy Hotspots and radiate connectivity across the world. As the network’s footprint grows, so does its ability to shape industries, foster innovation, and empower individuals.

New Tokens: IOT, Mobile, and Data Credit Tokens

The Helium Network is ushering in a new era of efficiency and accessibility with the introduction of three groundbreaking tokens: IOT Network Token, Mobile Network Token, and Data Credit Token. These tokens are designed to fuel the network’s growth, enable seamless transactions, and empower users to engage with the ecosystem like never before.

IOT Network Token

The IOT Network Token serves as the backbone of the network, facilitating transactions and interactions within the Internet of Things. This token streamlines communication between devices, ensuring that data flows seamlessly and securely. With the IOT Network Token at its core, the network empowers IoT devices to transmit valuable information and drive innovation.

Mobile Network Token

As mobile connectivity becomes increasingly vital, the Mobile Network Token steps onto the stage as a catalyst for robust communication. This token empowers mobile devices to participate in the Helium Network, amplifying coverage and connectivity. Through the Mobile Network Token, the network expands its reach to encompass a broader array of devices, bridging gaps and enabling ubiquitous connectivity.

Data Credit Token

In an age defined by data, the Data Credit Token emerges as a powerful resource for managing and utilizing information. This token allows users to access and exchange data efficiently, enabling a seamless flow of insights. With the Data Credit Token, users can harness the network’s data capabilities and unlock the potential of the digital landscape.

These tokens embody the Helium Network’s commitment to fostering accessible and efficient solutions. By introducing specialized tokens for distinct purposes, the network empowers devices, users, and businesses to engage with the ecosystem effortlessly. The IOT Network Token, Mobile Network Token, and Data Credit Token collectively form a unified vision of connectivity, transactional ease, and data empowerment.

As the Helium Network continues to evolve, these tokens serve as crucial building blocks, propelling the ecosystem toward enhanced connectivity, seamless interactions, and limitless possibilities.

IoT Users and Community Contributions

The Helium Network isn’t just a concept—it’s a catalyst for real-world innovation. Through the power of the network, a multitude of visionary users are driving progress and revolutionizing industries. Let’s shine a spotlight on some remarkable examples: Embedded Works, Dronedek, and Trackpac.

Embedded Works: Pioneering IoT Solutions

Embedded Works stands at the forefront of IoT solutions, deploying cutting-edge technology to revolutionize industries. From asset tracking to smart building monitoring, Embedded Works leverages the Helium Network to enable seamless data transmission. By tapping into the network’s capabilities, they’re propelling the world toward smarter, more efficient operations.

Dronedek: Securing Deliveries with Innovation

Dronedek is tackling the challenge of package theft head-on, using drone deliveries and secure smart mailboxes. The Helium Network serves as a crucial bridge, ensuring that these mailboxes remain connected and reliable. By integrating the network into their solution, Dronedek is safeguarding deliveries and changing the landscape of package distribution.

Trackpac: Monitoring on a Grand Scale

Trackpac is redefining monitoring on a grand scale, using GPS trackers to oversee everything from buses to bikes across London. With the Helium Network as their backbone, Trackpac ensures the seamless flow of data for optimal tracking and management. Through the network, Trackpac is delivering a new level of visibility and control.

Community Energy Production with IoT Off-Grid

IoT Off-Grid, a Helium Foundation grantee, is tapping into the Helium Network to drive community energy production. Through their IoT service, hikers in New York and New Jersey can stay safe while exploring. The network facilitates communication, ensuring that hikers remain connected even in remote locations. IoT Off-Grid exemplifies the Helium Network’s role in enhancing safety and empowering communities.

These remarkable examples showcase the boundless potential of the Helium Network. From smart solutions to enhanced connectivity, the network is a driving force behind innovation across industries. As users continue to harness its capabilities, the Helium Network paves the way for a future where possibilities know no bounds.

Improving Network Integrity: Crowdspot’s Role

At the heart of the Helium Network’s integrity is the indispensable tool known as Crowdspot. This tool stands as a sentinel, guarding against any threats to the network’s health and vitality. Its significance lies in its ability to identify and address malicious actors who seek to exploit the network’s rewards system without contributing genuine value.

Crowdspot is meticulously designed to scrutinize Hotspot behavior, ensuring that the network remains robust and untainted. Through its enhanced submission process, it empowers the community to actively participate in the identification and reporting of atypical Hotspots that engage in undesired activities.

Recent updates to Crowdspot have amplified its effectiveness. The tool now boasts a streamlined interface and an intuitive submission system. These enhancements make it remarkably easy for community members to report suspicious Hotspots directly to the Denylist, a curated list of Hotspots involved in nefarious activities.

The power of Crowdspot extends beyond its technical capabilities—it’s a manifestation of community vigilance. By reporting and identifying gaming Hotspots, community members play a pivotal role in maintaining the network’s integrity. This collective effort ensures that rewards are justly distributed to trustworthy Hotspots that provide valuable coverage.

As the Helium Network continues to evolve, Crowdspot’s role becomes increasingly critical. It empowers the community to actively participate in the network’s defense against threats, thus fostering a more secure and reliable ecosystem. With the community’s watchful eyes and the power of Crowdspot, the Helium Network stands as a beacon of trust and integrity.


Community action reigns supreme in the Helium Network. The network’s robust growth, marked by over 969K IoT Hotspots deployed across 184 countries, is a testament to collective dedication. As the Helium ecosystem expands, the introduction of IOT Network Tokens, Mobile Network Tokens, and Data Credit Tokens ushers in a new era of efficiency. Yet, amid these accomplishments, community vigilance remains pivotal. Tools like Crowdspot exemplify the network’s commitment to integrity, reinforcing the shared responsibility of network guardianship. The Helium Network community members are encouraged to explore Crowdspot’s capabilities and engage in discussions, fueling the network’s continued prosperity.

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