How The Central Banking System Is A Form Of Private Economic Warfare And Any Economic Crashes Are Created By Design To Implement The WEF’s “Great Reset” By BitlyFool

The central banking system is a form of private economic warfare, the history of fiat money and its consequences, how the fiat monetary system is driving up inequality and poverty, the impact of quantitative easing on economies, how the central banking system is leading to a global economic crisis, the role of governments in the fiat money system, how the current monetary system is failing to create a secure and prosperous future, the dangers of fractional reserve banking, and the potential of cryptocurrencies to revolutionize the way we think about money.

The global economy is in a precarious state and the current fiat monetary system is a driving force behind this. Central banking and the use of fiat money have enabled governments to gain control over their economies and manipulate the value of their currency. This has enabled them to implement economic policies that have had a direct impact on the lives of citizens, but often these policies have had unintended consequences. At the heart of the fiat monetary system is fractional reserve banking, which is a practice that allows banks to lend out more money than they have on deposit. This creates a situation where banks can become over-leveraged and become vulnerable to financial crises. This practice has been linked to the current global economic crisis, where the lack of capital has led to a contraction in economic activity and a rise in unemployment and inequality. Quantitative easing is another tool employed by central banks to boost liquidity in the economy. It involves the injection of large amounts of money into the economy and has been used to stimulate economic growth. However, it can also lead to inflation and asset bubbles, which can have a destabilizing effect on the economy. The current fiat monetary system is failing to create a secure and prosperous future for citizens. It is leading to an increase in inequality and poverty, and is a form of private economic warfare that is enabling governments to gain control over their economies. Cryptocurrencies offer an alternative to the current system, and could revolutionize the way we think about money. They could provide an alternative to fiat money that is more secure and equitable, and create a more stable global economic system.

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Make no mistake about it the whole ponzi monetary system is being destroyed by design by a bunch of “incompetent” people, at least that is what they want you to believe. The goal is “the great reset” and monetary totalitarianism!

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