HyperPlay Integrates MetaMask Snaps for Enhanced Blockchain Gaming Experience

HyperPlay, a PC game launcher akin to platforms like Steam, Epic Games Store, and GoG (formerly Good Old Games), has taken a significant leap in blockchain gaming by integrating its wallet overlay with MetaMask Snaps.

The integration marks a new era in gaming, allowing players to use custom wallet apps within games for a seamless blockchain gaming experience.

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MetaMask snaps integration: A game-changer for blockchain gamers

MetaMask Snaps, a feature enabling third-party developers to create apps that run within MetaMask, was launched on September 12. Initially, HyperPlay’s unique overlay feature, which displays a built-in version of the Web3 wallet MetaMask, did not support MetaMask Snaps. However, with the latest software upgrade, HyperPlay has successfully integrated these two features, enhancing the functionality and user experience of its platform.

The integration allows blockchain gamers to confirm transactions directly within games, eliminating the need to navigate to a browser wallet. The feature is particularly beneficial for blockchain-based games, where in-game transactions are frequent and integral to the gaming experience.

HyperPlay expanding multichain compatibility and features

According to JacobC.eth, the founder of HyperPlay, the new integration will unlock a variety of features for gamers. One of the most significant advantages is the ability to push transactions to the wallet from previously incompatible blockchains. The includes non-Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible blockchains like Sui, StarkWare, and Solana. As a result, players can now use their single, interoperable wallet across a wider range of games on different blockchains.

For instance, the popular third-person shooter game Bushi, which features game items on the Sui blockchain, can now facilitate in-game transactions directly through the HyperPlay overlay. It was previously not possible due to Sui’s incompatibility with MetaMask’s native support. With the new snaps feature, players can install a snap that supports the Sui blockchain, allowing seamless transactions within the game.

Future Utility: Enhanced convenience and security

Looking ahead, the snaps-compatible overlay is poised to offer even more utility. Players will be able to install snaps that authorize games to spend their funds but with a spending limit set by the player. The feature will significantly enhance the convenience of games that trigger numerous transactions by eliminating the need for manual confirmation of each transaction. Moreover, it adds a layer of security, as the spending limit will be enforced through account abstraction, ensuring that players don’t have to trust the game with unrestricted access to their funds.

HyperPlay’s integration of MetaMask Snaps is a testament to its commitment to advancing blockchain gaming. The platform, which raised over $12 million in a Series A funding round in June, has been steadily growing its library, boasting 33 titles at the time of the funding. Additionally, HyperPlay allows players to integrate their GoG and Epic Games accounts into its interface, enhancing its appeal to a broad spectrum of gamers.


The integration of MetaMask Snaps into HyperPlay’s wallet overlay represents a new era in Web3 gaming. It not only enhances the gaming experience by offering greater multichain compatibility and convenience but also positions HyperPlay as a frontrunner in the blockchain gaming industry. As the platform continues to evolve, it is set to attract more gamers and developers alike, eager to explore the expanding possibilities in the world of blockchain-based gaming.

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