IBM study warns of AI’s potential in cybercrime

In a recent study conducted by IBM’s Security Intelligence X-Force team, the emerging role of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybercrime has come under scrutiny. The research highlights the growing concern that hackers may soon leverage AI tools, such as ChatGPT, to enhance their malicious campaigns, significantly increasing the sophistication of cyberattacks.

The X-Force team’s experiment pitted human-written phishing emails against those generated by ChatGPT. The objective was to measure the click-through rates of these emails, both for the messages themselves and for the malicious links contained within. Surprisingly, the human-written content emerged victorious, but by the narrowest of margins. This outcome suggests that AI’s dominance in believability and authenticity may be only a matter of time, posing a new challenge for cybersecurity experts.

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While AI exhibits remarkable capabilities, the study revealed that humans possess a distinct advantage in areas such as emotional intelligence, personalization, and understanding the psychology of potential victims. According to the researchers, “Humans understand emotions in ways that AI can only dream of.” Human-generated phishing emails can craft narratives that resonate emotionally and appear more realistic, increasing the likelihood of recipients clicking on malicious links.

Human attackers excel at personalization, referencing legitimate organizations and offering tangible benefits to the workforce, making their emails more enticing to recipients. Furthermore, humans are adept at avoiding suspicion by employing concise subject lines, unlike AI-generated phishes, which tend to employ lengthy subject lines that could raise alarm bells even before an email is opened.

The X-Force team’s study highlights the inherent strengths and weaknesses of AI in comparison to human hackers. While AI can generate phishing content quickly, it falls short in terms of emotional appeal, personalization, and avoiding suspicion.

AI’s efficiency and emerging threats

One notable finding of the study is AI’s efficiency in generating phishing content. The X-Force team demonstrated that they could use a generative AI model to compose a convincing phishing email in just five minutes, based on five prompts. In contrast, manually crafting such an email would require approximately 16 hours of human effort. This efficiency suggests that AI has the potential to significantly reduce the time and effort required for cybercriminals to launch large-scale phishing campaigns.

The study also revealed the presence of generative AI models, such as WormGPT, on various forums, being advertised for sale with phishing capabilities. This suggests that cybercriminals are actively exploring AI’s potential use in phishing campaigns. While current campaigns have not widely adopted generative AI, there is growing concern that unrestricted or semi-restricted large language models (LLMs) could provide attackers with more efficient tools for crafting sophisticated phishing emails in the future.

The implications of AI’s role in cybercrime are far-reaching and pose significant challenges to cybersecurity experts. As AI continues to advance, cybercriminals may harness its capabilities to create more convincing and sophisticated phishing attacks, potentially increasing the success rates of their campaigns.

The imperative for ongoing cybersecurity adaptation

This evolving threat landscape underscores the need for continuous adaptation and innovation in cybersecurity strategies. Organizations and security professionals must stay vigilant and develop new techniques and tools to detect and mitigate AI-driven cyber threats effectively. Emphasizing employee awareness and training to recognize phishing attempts, regardless of their source, remains a crucial component of cybersecurity defenses.


IBM’s Security Intelligence X-Force team’s study sheds light on the evolving threat posed by the integration of generative AI tools in cybercriminal activities. While humans still maintain an edge in terms of emotional intelligence, personalization, and avoiding suspicion in phishing campaigns, the efficiency of AI in generating malicious content is a cause for concern.

As AI continues to evolve and become more accessible to malicious actors, organizations and cybersecurity professionals must proactively adapt their defenses to counter these emerging threats. The battle against AI-powered cyberattacks requires a multifaceted approach, including advanced detection mechanisms, employee education, and ongoing innovation in the field of cybersecurity. In this evolving landscape, staying one step ahead of cybercriminals is imperative to safeguard digital assets and protect against potential breaches.

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