Introducing WinnerBlock’s V2

At the crossroads of the online gaming industry and blockchain, Winner Block emerges as a decentralised and open-source platform aiming to revolutionise online gaming.  In addition to providing gamers with the most enjoyable gaming experience possible, it also considers the surrounding community’s needs. Hence, WinnerBlock decided to improve their current technologies and overall user experience by introducing the latest V2 version.

Testing Complete

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According to WinnerBlock, they have completed and successfully tested the V2 version of the WBlock smart contract. Subsequently, they will attempt to optimise a few features before mainnet deployment and CertiK’s audit. The subsequent phases will consist of the migration contract (to which all tokens will be sent) and the standard testing with other systems, such as the web app. 

Moving Existing Liquidity

Furthermore, Winner Block will move the existing liquidity to V2, and V1 token swaps will no longer be possible after September 1. To obtain a sufficient number of tokens during the migration, current users should not transfer their tokens from their wallets between now and the launch of V2. 

Exploring the Features of WinnerBlock V2

Overall, the V2 token smart contract represents an upgrade to the existing token smart contract; it runs on the same blockchain network (BSC), and the V1 tokens will become outdated. The project will discontinue using V1 tokens, and the liquidity will be moved to the V2 liquidity pool. 

The primary reason is to install a mechanism that will automatically recover and contribute liquidity to the pool based on a scalable proportion of Pancakeswap sales. 

How may V2 tokens be acquired? 

Nothing specific needs to be done to acquire the V2 tokens since all V1 token-containing wallets will get the identical number of V2 tokens (on a 1:1 ratio). After September 1, V1 will not be accessible for swapping on On September 15, V2 will be made available for swapping. Avoid moving your V1 tokens from one wallet to another until the second launch so that you get the correct amount.

Future Developments

In addition to the essential adjustments for V2, WinerBlock has completed the list of planned upgrades for the webapp, some of which have been successfully executed, and others will be done shortly. These will be functional upgrades with added information and UIX modifications. A detailed list will be released before the game’s release. The game logic will be modified, and the winning probability will be enhanced. The new material will be published directly in Winnerblock’s latest whitepaper, which will be accessible in the next few days.

Check out WinnerBlock’s digital channels to understand what the future holds for this innovative gaming endeavour:

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