MakerDAO’s Bold Shifts: A Game-Changing Transformation Unveiled

MakerDAO, a prominent decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, has made significant developments to reduce its reliance on USD Coin (USDC) as collateral for its stablecoin, DAI. The protocol has diversified its collateral by incorporating Real World Assets (RWA), such as short-term bonds, which now constitute a substantial portion of DAI collateral. This strategic shift not only enhances the security of DAI but also expands MakerDAO’s revenue streams beyond cryptocurrency-related activities. 

Additionally, MakerDAO’s recent growth has been fueled by the rising popularity of wstETH, a liquid-staked ETH token, which has become one of the top collateral options within the protocol. Let’s delve deeper into these developments.

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Diversifying Collateral and Reducing Dependency on USDC

In a notable departure from the past, MakerDAO has successfully decreased its reliance on USDC as collateral for DAI. Previously, USDC accounted for a significant 51.7% of DAI’s collateral, with Ethereum (ETH) serving as a secondary option at 7.7%. However, through strategic adjustments, the contribution of USDC to DAI collateral has been reduced to less than 9%. In its place, MakerDAO has incorporated Real World Assets (RWA) as a substantial portion of collateral, comprising 25.5% of DAI collateral.

The inclusion of RWAs not only improves the diversification of collateral but also introduces new revenue-generating opportunities for MakerDAO. By expanding its ecosystem to include real-world assets, MakerDAO can tap into revenue streams beyond the realm of cryptocurrency, further enhancing its sustainability and resilience.

Notable Growth Driven by wstETH

One of the primary drivers of MakerDAO’s recent growth has been the increasing popularity of wstETH, a token representing liquid-staked ETH within the Maker Protocol. Approximately 932k wstETH is currently held by the protocol’s smart contracts, accounting for around 46% of the total supply. This token has become a favored collateral option for users seeking DAI loans and on-chain leverage, establishing a symbiotic relationship between wstETH and DAI within the protocol.

The rise of wstETH has been instrumental in boosting MakerDAO’s revenue and Total Value Locked (TVL) on the protocol. In the past week alone, MakerDAO’s revenue has surged by an impressive 32.9%, reflecting the positive impact of these strategic changes. The growth in TVL further signifies growing confidence and activity within the MakerDAO ecosystem, highlighting the increasing adoption and usage of the protocol.

State of MKR and DAI: Changing Investment Landscape

While MakerDAO’s protocol has experienced significant growth and positive developments, the investment landscape surrounding MKR, MakerDAO’s native token, has seen some notable shifts. At present, MKR is trading at $709.6, following a period of substantial price growth. However, data suggest a reduced interest among whales, as large addresses have reduced their holdings of MKR. This shift in investment preferences may indicate changing dynamics within the market.

Furthermore, the number of addresses holding MKR has also declined during the same period, indicating changes in the composition of MKR token holders. Despite this, DAI has witnessed increased dominance in the stablecoin sector, reflected in its growing market capitalization. However, the network growth of DAI has shown a significant decline, potentially signaling a temporary decrease in interest from new participants or a slowdown in new address adoption. Understanding the underlying factors behind this decline requires further examination.


MakerDAO’s strategic shift away from USDC dependency as collateral for DAI, coupled with the inclusion of Real World Assets (RWA), has propelled the protocol’s growth and revenue generation. The rising popularity of wstETH as a collateral option has further bolstered MakerDAO’s success, with wstETH closely approaching wETH in terms of Total Value Locked (TVL). While the investment landscape surrounding MKR has experienced some changes, DAI continues to strengthen its position in the stablecoin sector. 

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