New & exciting NFT game releasing their mint on Friday – Monster Racing League goes pedal to the metal

Friday the 24th of June has something pretty exciting in store for any NFT enthusiast out there. Monster Racing League, the fun-first multiplayer racing NFT game, will be launching their mint to the world. Initially only 5000 containers will be available, followed by a final wave of 5000 containers at a future date ready for the game release in Q3 2022.

The team behind this project, Flightless, has worked tirelessly on this project throughout 2022, and now they’re ready to deliver. Let’s dissect this interesting project and learn everything about it. 

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What does Monster Racing League offer?

Monster Racing League is a P2E (Play-to-earn) multiplayer NFT game created by Flightless Studio and their publisher: Phat Loot Studio. While profits are an integral part of P2E games, Flightless wanted to also make sure fun was the most important factor.

This racing game pits you against several other players competing for rewards in the form of the KBT utility token. This token can be spent on boosters that help your monster succeed.

Your monster is your pedal to the metal racer, and you are in charge of helping it succeed. This can be done by strategizing based on its strengths and weaknesses. You can also use your monster’s special abilities, tribe abilities, and boosters to get you ahead when it really matters. Be smart about it!

By completing a race, you earn rewards. By doing well, you of course earn more, and then you have the chance to reach a higher rank where the stakes are higher. 

As is tradition with lots of NFTs today, you have the option to breed them. By using two Monster Racing League NFTs you can create a new one. The new NFT will have a combination of the previous two’s traits.  

If you want to try out the game for yourself before it releases, you can try out the demo for free and see if you like it. 

New & exciting NFT game releasing their mint on Friday - Monster Racing League goes pedal to the metal 1

What’s included when you buy this NFT?

Monster Racing League is sold as an NFT called Monster Containers. Such containers will contain up to 6 NFTs inside of it. 

When you get your hands on a Monster Racing League container, it is possible for you to receive an origin monster, a vehicle cosmetic, 1-2 tribe abilities, booster packs, and a chance for 1 of the special race tracks. 

The race tracks are super rare to get as there are only 20 of them. They have one special bonus: Each time someone races on your track, you will passively earn utility tokens. This guarantees that you always earn a very significant amount.

New & exciting NFT game releasing their mint on Friday - Monster Racing League goes pedal to the metal 2

The future’s looking bright

The complete NFT game will soon see the light of day. After careful testing, the bugs are gone, and now developers can start to work on the future of the game. But what can we expect from this project going forward?

In the final quarter of 2022, tournaments and special events will be launched. Here the prizes will be higher and better for all involved.

2023 will be dedicated to improving the game by making new tracks, abilities, boost cards, cosmetics, and lots more. 

Going forward, Monster Racing League has the potential to be something truly big and influential. Don’t miss out!

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