Nigeria’s Central Bank and Gluwa Forge Partnership to Boost eNaira Adoption

In a strategic move to enhance the adoption of its central bank digital currency (CBDC), the eNaira, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has announced a partnership with Gluwa, a blockchain credit infrastructure company. 

This collaboration aims to leverage Gluwa’s Credal technology to address the eNaira’s adoption hurdles by facilitating the creation of decentralized credit profiles for users, independent of traditional financial institutions and national boundaries.

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Revolutionizing credit with blockchain

Gluwa’s integration into the eNaira ecosystem represents a significant step forward in the digital currency’s journey towards widespread acceptance and utility. By incorporating Credal technology, which underpins loans on the Creditcoin blockchain—a real-world asset-oriented blockchain developed by Gluwa—the partnership seeks to onboard millions of Nigerians. This technology enables eNaira users to build credit reputations through transactions, offering a novel approach to driving CBDC adoption. Gluwa’s ambition is not only to enhance the functionality of the eNaira but also to redefine how creditworthiness is assessed in the digital age, making financial services more accessible to a broader segment of the Nigerian population.

The potential for Gluwa’s technology to transform the financial landscape in Nigeria is immense. By building a decentralized credit profile, users of the eNaira will have the opportunity to access financial services that were previously out of reach due to the lack of a formal credit history. This initiative could significantly impact financial inclusion, bringing more Nigerians into the formal economy and providing them with the tools needed to participate in global commerce.

Addressing adoption struggles

Despite being one of the world’s first CBDCs, launched in October 2021, the eNaira has faced significant adoption challenges. Issues such as public reluctance and operational hurdles have hindered its ability to achieve the desired impact, especially in the wake of Nigeria’s cash shortages and regulatory disputes with major cryptocurrency exchange Binance. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlighted these challenges, noting the “disappointingly low” engagement with the digital currency, with only a small fraction of wallet holders actively using the eNaira for transactions.

The partnership with Gluwa comes as part of the CBN’s efforts to revitalize the eNaira’s adoption by introducing innovative solutions to enhance its appeal and utility. By working closely with lenders and fintech partners, Gluwa aims to establish the eNaira as a cornerstone for loans and direct transfers, positioning it as a key financial instrument within Nigeria’s digital economy. This approach not only aims to increase the utility and attractiveness of the eNaira but also to address the underlying issues that have plagued its adoption from the outset.

Navigating regulatory waters

The announcement of this partnership arrives at a tumultuous time for Nigeria’s financial sector, marked by recent tensions with Binance over allegations of foreign exchange rate manipulation. The CBN’s decision to fine Binance $10 billion and the subsequent detention of two executives have underscored the complexities of regulating digital currencies and foreign exchanges in the country. By aligning with Gluwa, the CBN signals its commitment to fostering a regulated, innovative financial ecosystem that leverages the potential of digital currencies like the eNaira while addressing regulatory and adoption challenges head-on.

This partnership between the CBN and Gluwa could serve as a blueprint for other nations grappling with similar challenges in the CBDC space. It highlights the importance of innovative partnerships and technological integration in overcoming the barriers to digital currency adoption. As Nigeria continues to refine its approach to regulating and promoting the eNaira, the global community will be watching closely to learn from its successes and challenges.


The collaboration between Nigeria’s Central Bank and Gluwa represents a pivotal moment in the journey of the eNaira, offering a promising solution to the adoption challenges that have hindered its progress. By leveraging blockchain technology to enhance financial inclusion and streamline credit processes, this partnership has the potential to transform the financial landscape in Nigeria. As the eNaira continues to evolve, the success of this initiative could provide valuable insights for other countries exploring the implementation of CBDCs, underscoring the critical role of innovation and collaboration in the future of digital finance.

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