OpenAI’s ‘iPhone moment’ trumps Google, AI lies, porn and dating: AI Eye

OpenAI’s voice assistant demolishes Google’s, plus why do AI’s lie… and should they date each other? GPT-porn and AI detectors: AI Eye.

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From the reaction on social media, it seems pretty clear that OpenAIs live demo of its real-life Her inspired AI assistant won the battle of hearts and minds this week and upstaged Google I/Os event.

The GPT-4o demos wow factor glitches and all showed confidence in the speedy multimodal product that Googles pre-recorded demos just didnt have, particularly after it fudged the Gemini “duck” demo last year.

In the future, when documentaries look back on 2024, theyll probably show a clip of GPT-4o as this years iPhone moment.

GPT-4o (o stands for Omni) also has the advantage of being available on desktop right now, and the new voice mode will be available for ChatGPT Plus users in the coming weeks. The model will soon be free to all as well.

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