Shocking Death Threats Target ‘Last of Us’ Star

In a new documentary titled “Grounded II,” Bailey, one of the actors involved in the development of the critically acclaimed game “The Last of Us Part 2,” opens up about the disturbing death threats that were sent to her and her family during the game’s production. Additionally, Neil Druckmann, the creative director behind the game, hints at the possibility of a third installment in The Last of Us series.

Bailey, whose full name is not disclosed, revealed in “Grounded II” that she received a barrage of death threats during the development of “The Last of Us Part 2.” These threats were so severe that they had to be reported to the police to ensure the safety of her and her family. The threats not only targeted her but also extended to her son, who was born during the tumultuous period.

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The primary reason behind these threats was the controversial decision within the game’s narrative. In a shocking twist, the character Abby, introduced in the second game, kills Joel, the beloved protagonist from the first installment. This pivotal plot point, which was meant to be a major surprise for players, was unfortunately spoiled months before the game’s release due to a leak that inundated social media platforms with hours of in-development footage.

Neil Druckmann hints at a potential third “The Last of Us” game

In the same documentary, Neil Druckmann discussed the future of The Last of Us franchise. While he admitted to not having a concrete story, he did express having a concept for a third game. Druckmann’s concept suggests that the next installment if it were to happen, would continue to follow a similar thematic thread as the first two games.

He stated, “I don’t have a story, but I have that concept. That, to me, is as exciting as 1, as exciting as 2, is its own thing, yet has this through line for all 3. So it does feel like there’s probably one more chapter to this story.”

The revelation of death threats being sent to Bailey highlights a disturbing and growing trend in the entertainment industry. Online harassment and threats against actors, directors, and other individuals involved in the creation of popular media have become all too common. This not only impacts the mental and emotional well-being of those targeted but also raises questions about the safety and security measures necessary to protect individuals and their families in such situations.

The Last of Us Franchise’s ongoing success

“The Last of Us Part 2,” despite the controversy surrounding it, achieved critical acclaim and commercial success upon its release. The game continued the emotionally charged storytelling and immersive gameplay for which the franchise is known. Neil Druckmann’s hint at a potential third installment is likely to excite fans, although it remains to be seen whether this concept will materialize into an actual game.

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