Singapore becoming AI hub with commercial models in local languages

The government-led AI Singapore aims to scale its AI models for commercial use by 2024, particularly focusing on Southeast Asia, with SEA-LION catering to local languages.

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The island nation of Singapore is eyeing 2024 as the year to scale its Southeast Asian-focused artificial intelligence (AI) models for commercial use and become a global hub for the technology. 

A government-led initiative called AI Singapore is leading the way in developing the country’s own AI models, particularly those that cater to local populations.

SEA-LION is an open-source ChatGPT-like large language model (LLM) built by AI Singapore to represent the languages and cultures of southeast Asia and is set to be the first in a series of SEA-LION LLMs. The model has been trained on data in 11 languages, such as Vietnamese, Thai, and Bahasa Indonesia, which it plans to have ready in 2024.

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