Stolen Poloniex Ether worth $53M never made it back to the exchange

The Poloniex hacker moved over 17,800 Ether from six different wallets into a single Tornado Cash address.

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Over half of the $100 million worth of Ether linked to the infamous Poloniex hack from November 2023 has been siphoned via the privacy protocol Tornado Cash.

On Nov. 10, 2023, wallets belonging to crypto exchange Poloniex recorded massive unauthorized outflows. Investigations later confirmed that over $100 million worth of Ether (ETH) was lost to a hack.

Despite Poloniex claiming to have identified the hacker weeks later and offering a $10 million bounty, the stolen funds never made it back to the exchange. According to the blockchain security firm CertiK, the incident was likely a “private key compromise.”

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