Supermarket Simulator Sparks Controversy Over Alleged Use of AI in Promotional Images

Supermarket Simulator, an indie game developed by Nokta Games, has recently come under scrutiny following speculation that artificial intelligence (AI) might have been employed in creating its promotional images. The game, available on Steam, allows players to manage their virtual supermarkets, boasting significant popularity since its release on February 20.

Viral success and allegations

With over 41,000 concurrent players at its peak and a ‘very positive’ rating from more than 10,000 reviews on SteamDB, Supermarket Simulator quickly gained traction among gamers. However, a recent post on the Steam subreddit by user Pantolix ignited a discussion around the authenticity of the game’s promotional materials.

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The controversy centers on a screenshot of Supermarket Simulator’s main promotional image, with Pantolix suggesting AI might have generated it. Concerns were raised about the glossy aesthetic of the image, which appeared markedly different from the game’s actual visuals. Notable anomalies, such as the number “97” on the point-of-sale system and a seemingly out-of-place stool, led some users to suspect AI involvement.

Despite the lack of official confirmation from Nokta Games regarding the use of generative AI in creating promotional assets, discussions on platforms like Reddit and the Supermarket Simulator Discord have intensified. While some users have defended the game, others remain skeptical, pointing to possible AI-generated reviews and the use of asset packs.

Reddit user Beezzah disclosed that discussions surrounding AI usage have occurred within the official Supermarket Simulator Discord, with divergent opinions emerging. However, allegations of AI-generated content, including reviews and promotional assets, remain unverified.

Ethical concerns and pending clarification

Those critical of Supermarket Simulator’s alleged use of AI argue that promoting a game with artificially generated images raises ethical questions. The discrepancy between the promotional materials and the actual game aesthetics and anomalies like the random number “97” on in-game elements fuels suspicions.

The developer’s stance remains undisclosed despite outreach to Nokta Games for comment. DualShockers’ attempt to obtain clarification on the situation is ongoing, with updates to follow should a response be received.

As Supermarket Simulator thrives on Steam, allegations of AI involvement in promotional materials overshadow its success. The gaming community remains divided, some defending the game while others questioning its integrity. Until Nokta Games addresses these concerns, the controversy surrounding the game’s promotional images and potential AI usage remains unresolved.

The speculation persists with no official confirmation from the developer, prompting discussions on the ethical implications of employing AI in gaming marketing strategies. As the gaming industry grapples with the increasing influence of AI, transparency, and authenticity remain paramount in fostering trust between developers and their audience.

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