Tencent Cloud joins forces with Ankr to revolutionize blockchain access

Tencent Cloud has partnered with Ankr, a leading decentralized blockchain infrastructure provider, to launch Tencent Cloud Blockchain RPC. This Web3-native product aims to provide organizations and enterprises with more efficient and robust access to blockchain infrastructure. The service, now available on Tencent Cloud’s online marketplace, offers an instant portal to key blockchain networks like Ethereum Mainnet, BNB Smart Chain, and Polygon PoS.

The collaboration merges Ankr’s state-of-the-art blockchain infrastructure with Tencent Cloud’s unparalleled technological capabilities. The RPC Service is designed to handle a high volume of requests, supporting up to 1,800 requests per second per chain. Stanley Wu, Co-Founder and CTO of Ankr expressed that the partnership marks a “pivotal moment” for Ankr and the broader web ecosystem, setting the stage for accelerated development in blockchain applications.

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Simplifying blockchain interaction for developers

The Tencent Cloud Blockchain RPC service aims to simplify the complexities often associated with blockchain interactions. Traditionally, developers had to set up and maintain nodes for each blockchain they wanted to interact with, a process that required significant computational power, storage, and bandwidth. The new RPC service streamlines these processes, lowering the barrier to entry and enabling more developers to leverage blockchain technology without getting entangled in its intricacies.

To enhance accessibility, Tencent Cloud and Ankr have developed both public and premium versions of the service. The public version offers free blockchain interaction with predefined features and rate limits, while the premium version provides a Pay-as-you-Go model with enhanced request throughput and improved rate limits. 

Poshu Yeung, Senior Vice President of Tencent Cloud International, stated that the company is “well prepared and equipped to continue evolving to meet market needs and provide the best Web3-related features and services.”

The partnership between Tencent Cloud and Ankr not only simplifies blockchain interactions but also signifies a broader acceptance and integration of decentralized platforms with established tech giants.

As more traditional companies like Tencent recognize the potential of blockchain and its applications, the stage is set for increased investment, innovation, and adoption in the crypto space. This collaboration is likely to serve as a catalyst for further advancements in blockchain technology, making it more accessible and efficient for developers and enterprises alike.

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