The G7 Code Gets a New Signup from AI-Enabled Video Firm 

In a bold move, Milestone Systems has become the first to sign the G7 Code of Conduct for Artificial Intelligence (AI). The company is focused on developing data-driven video management software. Milestone’s CEO, Thomas Jensen, has voiced a strong call to action for the tech community, urging not to wait for legal regulations to dictate the course of AI development. Instead, he advocates for proactive measures in identifying and mitigating the risks associated with AI technologies, such as bias and inaccuracies. 

Embracing the G7 Code

By embracing the G7 Code of Conduct, Milestone is placing trust, transparency, and accountability at the core of its operations. This move is in response to the global push, led by G7 countries in late October 2023, for safer, more secure, and trustworthy AI applications worldwide.

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The adoption of this code by Milestone comes at a crucial time, aligning with the European Union’s own legislative efforts through the AI Act. Jensen acknowledges the significance of the EU’s regulations but points out the time it will take for these to be fully implemented. He positions Milestone ahead of the curve, aiming to set a standard for responsible tech use and to foster public trust in AI’s expanding capabilities.

Showcasing innovation

Milestone’s commitment to ethical AI will be on full display at the upcoming “Milestone Technology Day” on June 5, 2024, in Bucharest. This event promises to be a convergence of industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts, all gathered to explore the latest advancements in video surveillance and security solutions. Milestone plans to use this platform to showcase how its cutting-edge technologies align with the company’s ethical standards, demonstrating practical applications of responsible AI development.

Milestone Systems’ adoption of the G7 Code of Conduct signifies a major step forward in the ethical development of AI technologies. By prioritizing trust, transparency, and accountability, the company is not just complying with future regulations but is actively shaping a more responsible future for AI.  

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