The U.S. will definitely default on its debt come June 1st

As the U.S. nears the critical June 1st deadline, uncertainty over its fiscal future mounts, with the possibility of a default on its debts looming large.

Echoing the seriousness of the situation, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen firmly reiterated that this date is a “hard deadline”, stressing the dire consequences of failing to raise the debt ceiling.

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U.S. debt crisis: Dire warning from Yellen and Biden

Yellen’s warning, delivered during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” follows President Joe Biden’s bleak evaluation of the current state of negotiations.

The President hinted at the political maneuverings of congressional Republicans, suggesting they could exploit a national default to inflict political damage on him and his administration. He also acknowledged that unilateral actions to raise the federal borrowing limit seemed increasingly less viable.

“We expect to be unable to pay all of our bills in early June and possibly as soon as June 1,” Yellen stated, highlighting the severity of the impending crisis.

If the debt ceiling isn’t raised, she warned, there will be “hard choices” to make, pointing to the historical significance of the U.S.’s commitment to pay its bills on time since 1789.

She also hinted at the potential global repercussions of a U.S. default, with Treasury securities seen as the world’s safest investment under threat.

The Treasury Secretary warned against any complacency arising from potential delays in the X-date due to tax receipts or spending, stating that the odds of the U.S. averting a default by June 15 without congressional intervention were “quite low”.

Points of contention and hopes for a resolution

The Treasury Secretary flagged certain issues in the negotiations, including the Republican’s resistance to discussions on revenue. One of her particular concerns was the prospect of defunding efforts by the Internal Revenue Service to tackle tax fraud.

Biden and Yellen concurred that the 14th Amendment, an untested legal theory for raising the debt ceiling without Congress, could not be “appropriately used” in the current scenario. The legal uncertainty and tight time frame around the matter were deemed significant impediments.

Yellen remained hopeful, however, that Congress would come to the rescue, raising the debt ceiling and averting what could be an unprecedented financial crisis. “There will be no acceptable outcomes if the debt ceiling isn’t raised, regardless of what decisions we make,” she cautioned.

Adding a slightly different perspective to the ongoing debate, Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick suggested that there might be some wiggle room beyond the June 1st deadline.

He pointed to cash flow sufficient to meet interest payments on the debt and the expected inflow of state tax revenues from the second week of June.

However, both Fitzpatrick and his Problem Solvers caucus co-chair, Democratic Rep. Josh Gottheimer, agreed that June 1 should still be treated as the deadline. They both stressed the importance of maintaining the full faith and credit of the U.S., warning against the potentially catastrophic risks of a default.

As June 1 approaches, the U.S. stands on the precipice of an unprecedented fiscal crisis. The possibility of a default on its debt hangs heavy, with significant global ramifications.

The outcome of this fiscal cliffhanger hinges on congressional action in the coming days, providing a critical test of the U.S.’s ability to navigate its political and economic challenges.

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